International Checkers Rules

How To Play International Checkers (International Draughts)

International Checkers CheckerboardInternational Checkers plays largely the same as Standard Checkers/Draughts, except that it is played on a larger board (10x10, or 100 squares, vs. 8x8, or 64 squares) and uses more chessmen (20 for each player vs. 12).

Other differences in International Checkers:

  • A single checker may only move one space forward, in a diagonal direction, to an unoccupied square (this is the same as Standard Checkers), but may jump an opponent's man, either forward or back (this is different than in Standard Checkers).
  • If you have more than one possible move that would capture your opponent's pieces, you must choose the path that will capture the most checkers.
  • In a move known as "flying kings", kings can move more than one space along unblocked diagonals.
  • If a checker lands in the opponent's last row by means of a jump, it is only crowned as a king if no other moves are available to it. If more jumps are possible, then it must take them, and it will not be kinged. A checker is not kinged unless it finishes a move in the opponent's king row.
  • Captured checkers are not removed from the board until all jumps on that move are completed.

The bigger board, larger number of players, and minor rule differences make International Checkers a more strategic (and some would say, more interesting) game than Standard Checkers. International Draughts is thought to be the most popular form of the game worldwide.

International Checkers/Draughts Links

See also: Other Checkers Variants

Last Update: January 9th, 2012