Board Game Buzz, April 2014

News and notes from the board gaming blogosphere, featuring news, game releases, reviews, and opinion from the people who live and breathe board games and gaming:
Recent Board Game News
- The best and worst of 2014 so far – "A quarterly look at the laudable and notable in the games industry."
- Most Visited Monopoly Properties – "To improve your skill as a Monopoly player, it is crucial that you learn which properties are most often landed on."
- Scrabble adding new words to board game – "Hasbro is adding thousands of new words to the players' dictionary of the Scrabble board game and they want your input."
- Making board games accessible to the blind – "A Kickstarter campaign to create a line of board games that are designed for the blind."
- Monopoly Wants To Add "House Rules" To Board Game – "Knowing that 'House Rules' have long been a part of the Monopoly gaming tradition, Hasbro is inviting fans to help select the top 'House Rules' to become a part of future Monopoly games."
- Victor, the Trash-Talking Scrabble Robot – "Victor is prone to complaining about his tile draws and insulting the word choices of his opponents."
- How Board Games Help Kids to Develop Skills – "Besides being fun, they also teach your children strategy skills, colours, teamwork and is great way to bond with the whole family."
- Playing Old-Fashion Board Games in One of Galveston's Newest Cafes – "It's called Board Game Island, and while sipping coffee or swigging beer, you can play the old favorites, children's and card games, puzzles, and even sci-fi fantasy games."
- The Best Board Game Recommendation Site We've Ever Seen – "Starting from a few general categories based on which niche in your game time you need to fill, the site narrows down your choices until you've got only good stuff left."
- Meeples Cafe – "Winnipeg's first board-game cafe will open at night for family-friendly good times"
Recent Board Game Reviews
- A Study in Emerald – "I like a lot of what is going on in A Study in Emerald, and the shortcomings can be overcome with time."
- Capo Dei Capi – "Easy to teach and learn and features interesting decisions and gameplay"
- Concordia – "A very well designed, interesting, and (most importantly) fun board game"
- Dungeon Dwellers – "A fantasy adventure card game that requires strategy, cooperation, and cunning"
- Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia – "A beautiful, worker placement game that is quick and easy to play"
- Jungle Ascent: Race to the treasure – "A fun family board game that young and old can enjoy together"
- Serpent Stones –"An interpretation of an ancient game believed to have been played by the Aztecs over 600 years ago"
- Start 11 – "A light, painless affair that serves as a nice, pleasant family game"
- Time Barons – "Happens to be one of the greatest two-player games that I've ever played
- Viticulture – "Definitely stands out as one of my favorites, and one I intend to keep bringing to the table"
Recent Board Game Releases
- Corporate America – A political satire game about corporate influence of government
- Relic Runners – Players follow trails across the jungle board map as they explore stacks of temples and ruins
Please follow the links for the full stories!
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