Board Game Buzz, April 8, 2013

Here is the latest news in the world of board games, for the week of April 8th, 2013:
10 board games for TableTop Day
International TableTop Day is past, but this is a good list to inspire future game sessions: Ticket to Ride, Dixit, Settlers Of Catan, Bananagrams, Tsuro, The Resistance, Smash Up, Star Wars X-Wing, Forbidden Island, Lords of Waterdeep. [link]
Ticket To Ride: How The Internet Fueled A New Board Game Powerhouse
"Days of Wonder has sold more than 2 million physical copies of the game at a hefty $50, and nearly that many copies of the game for iPhone and iPad at $6.99. That's roughly four times as many sales as Days of Wonder's next two best-selling games, Small World and Memoir '44, combined." [link]
Bushido Giveaway
"Check out these luscious paddy fields, bamboo groves and fishermens Jetty, a typical scene across the Jwar Isles. Every single Bushido product purchased at the show from our stall will gain you a raffle ticket for our draw at 3.00pm. As if a beautiful and lovingly hand crafted board isn't enough, during the draw we will also be dishing out a surpise Prize or two! " [link]
Recent Board Game Reviews
– Anachronism – "In Anachronism, each of the players takes on the role of one of history's most famous warriors. Each warrior also comes with various forms of equipment, which can be mixed and matched between sets."
– " is a 2 player-card and chip game that takes less than 30 minutes to play (even fewer when you get the hang of it). The goal is to become the 'Maharaja's personal trader' by being richer than your opponent at the end of each round."
– Mansions of Madness – "There's just so much to enjoy here. Even if it doesn't succeed every time, Mansions of Madness remains a game that can transport you and your friends into a desperate, evocative story that you'll share forever."
– Rise of the Zombies "is a cooperative zombie survival game. You and your comrades must get from the safe house to the helicopter. Of course you are being chased by zombies but you must also race against the clock."
Notable Quote
"We wanted to recreate that feeling of being a child on Christmas morning, that raw emotional feeling."
~ Days of Wonder co-founder Mark Kaufmann
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