Board Game Central News, Page #10
Risk: Factions is a new Facebook game, loosely based on Risk, the classic game of world domination. Watch the game trailer here.
Posted on 10-25-2011, Filed Under: Risk, Facebook
In 1976, President Gerald R. Ford declared the very first National Chess Day, and earlier this year, the United States Senate designated October 8, 2011, as National Chess Day. Celebrate!
Posted on 10-08-2011, Filed Under: Chess
An introduction to 'steampunk' and a list of board games and card games that fit into the genre.
Posted on 09-20-2011, Filed Under:
Scott Nicholson provides a primer of sorts for modern board games, using elements of Monopoly as a point of reference, and offering up some game suggestions.
Posted on 08-10-2011, Filed Under: Monopoly
Here's a look at a cafe in Malaysia that offers the chance to try out board games before you buy them, based on an annual subscription or an hourly rate. What a great idea!
Posted on 07-28-2011, Filed Under: In The News
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