Las Vegas is a strategy dice board game, set in the the glitzy world of Las Vegas casinos! The game is easy to learn, with simple but addicting gameplay, and challenging strategy opportunities.
Players are challenged to maximize their winnings by accumulating different amounts in each of six great casinos, and must decide where to place the dice in every round and outwit their competitors.
It's more about how you play your dice than what you roll. The rules are very simple – just roll your dice and choose one of the casino corresponding to your dice roll. Play continues until all players have played all their dice. There are elements of strategy as well as luck, but be sure to keep your wits about you and not get swept up in the excitement!
Las Vegas was created by noted board game designer Rudiger Dorn (Goa, Jambo, Louis XIV, and many more), and published by Alea and Ravensburger.
Las Vegas is an interactive dice game with easy rules, quick gameplay, and an interesting theme. For 2-5 players, ages 8 and up. Game time is about 30 minutes. The game was nominated for the 2012 Spiel des Jahres (German Game of the Year).
The Las Vegas game includes 40 dice (8 in each player's color), 6 casinos (with die values of 1-6), 54 banknotes (5 each of $60,000, $70,000, $80,000 and $90,000; 6 each of $10,000, $40,000 and $50,000; 8 each of $20,000 and $30,000), 1 starting player card, and complete instructions.
Number Of Players: 2 to 5
Recommended Ages: 8 and up
Published By: Ravensburger Games
Categories: Dice Games, Strategy Games
Las Vegas Images

Las Vegas Cover

Las Vegas Components
Las Vegas Links
- Board Game Geek: Las Vegas
The Las Vegas page at Board Game Geek offers an overview of the game, including description, images, videos, links, and discussions. - Grandcon: Las Vegas Review
"Las Vegas is a fast and fun game that's best used as filler between meatier games during a gaming session. It's a dice game, so there is a lot of randomness, especially when you're down to one or two dice remaining and your options become nonexistent." - Kulkmann's Gamebox: Las Vegas Review
"Las Vegas nicely picks up elements of other dice games like 'Kniffel/Yahtzee' and Poker elements. You carefully have to make a choice how and where to place your dice. Sometimes luck is not fair! And exactly those unpredictable results, the possibility to prevent another player from winning or sometimes just pure luck of have the ultimate roll, makes playing Las Vegas pure fun with a note of compulsive gambling." - Las Vegas for iOS
The iOS version of the Las Vegas board game allows players to compete either online against real opponents, locally in pass-and-play style, or solo against computer-generated opponents, with difficulty levels from easy to hard. - Ravensburger: Las Vegas
Check out the official Las Vegas page at the publisher's web site.